Fine Violin Bow by Arnold Voigt- Markneukirchen, Germany circa 1910

AV intertwined Logo players side frog
GERMANY – butt of the stick
Arnold Voigt (1864-1952) was a student of H. T. Heberlein and Schuneman in his hometown, and he spent 5 years in London from 1885-1890. For the rest of his life, he lived and worked back in the city of his birth, Markneukirchen, which was a great place to grow up to be a bow maker. Arnold was a prolific violin maker as well as a very gifted bow maker. Our bow is pernambuco specie, octagonal in section, sterling silver mounted, and is a firm stick. We meticulously went over the bow. New tip, new silver thread winding with a green fleck of thread woven into the winding. New leather thumb. The frog is Parisian eye with gorgeous pearl work. The mother-of-pearl slide is slightly tapered and truly is a handmade frog. The endscrew is solid silver with exquisite turns in the collar. The ebony frog has the intertwined ‘AV’ logo embossed into the left flank (player’s side) and it bears Arnold Voigt’s stamp on the shaft in the usual place. The bow is lightweight, firm, and easy to handle in the hand.
Weight fully haired 53.0 grams.