Wilhelm Raum Violin Bow Markneukirchen, Germany circa 1970

In our 36 years we have always offered hundreds of bows for our customers to check out and take out on trial. Currently, we have close to 600 bows completed in the shop for various string instruments. I enjoy the challenge of each bow and I like the detail and discipline it takes to restore, repair, and rehair any type of bow. From Baroque to transitional to older collections of sticks and even carbon fiber. I spend many hours on bows, and it doesn’t matter if it a famous bow, historical bow, German, French, English, or a trade bow like this one. For me the bow work I do every day remains totally fun and worthwhile. A violin shop can only give you choices. The decision is yours to make. A highly expensive bow if you need one is here at the shop. If you don’t need one, we have that too.
This Wilhelm Raum violin bow is a German trade bow, pernambuco specie, octagonal in section and nickel mounts. It is a higher-grade nickel mounted bow from a maker who worked on his own in the Markneukirchen area producing commercial grade sticks in nickel and sterling mounts. This bow is stamped WILHELM RAUM, and the frog has the WR stamp on the upper right side of the frog. We have gone over the entire bow and given it a new tip, a thorough cleaning, polished the silver, new leathers, and French polished the stick. The bow is in very good condition.
Weight fully haired is 63.8 grams.