Wilhelm Klier No. 702 Strad Pattern 3/4 Size Cello

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The Wilhelm Klier cello is described as Old World luthiery for New World players. This Klier is a premier Stradivarus pattern cello. It is made in Germany with select aged European Spruce and highly flamed maple. These tonewoods are hand graduated and the bass bar is fitted. The cello consists of older wood selected to achieve a warmer sound. The antiqued varnish is hand drawn with a deep color to give a classic, old fashioned look. The multi-layered spirit varnish brush work is all on top of a golden ground. The instrument has all ebony fittings and 200-year wood in a Despiau maple bridge.
The sound is fantastic, powerful, and full of strength. The instrument has a great response off the string with a played-in tone that will bring a smile to the player. These are excellent instruments for an advancing player looking for a nice step up in sound quality.