Johs. O. Paulus** – Violin Bow, Markneukirchen, Germany c. 1950-1955


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Stamped: JOHNS. O. PAULUS **
Stamped: Eagle – Coat of Arms on the frog

Johannes Paulus learned his craft of bow making in Markneukirchen in the C. A. Schuster workshop between 1930 and 1934. Otto Paulus, his father, was also employed here at this time. At the end of his apprenticeship, Johannes Paulus continued to work in the C.A. Schuster workshop with a long pause for military service during World War II and a period afterwards of being a prisoner of war. In 1950 Johannes completed his master’s examination in bow making in Markneukirchen. After the war he again worked for the Schuster workshop until they closed in 1955. At that time his father took over the workshop rooms and set up their own bow making shop under their own names. In 1972 Johannes Paulus moved his workshop to the neighboring village of Erlbach.
Johanne’s’ bow is of octagonal-section pernambuco stick. the wood choice is gorgeous and planned out well. The bow features a sterling silver mount and winding, ebony frog with mother-of-pearl eyes circled by silver, and a three-piece silver and ebony button. The bow has Johannes personal characteristics and carries on the frog the additional coat of arms with the form of and eagle and his name stamped on the frog. The stars near to the branded name indicate the level quality of the bow. Made by master bowmaker Johannes Otto Paulus sometime between the mid 1950's to early 1960's, this bow is perfect for the serious player.

Weight fully haired 59.8 grams.