Johann Edler Cello – CURRENTLY OUT ON TRIAL –


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Label reads:

copie Johann Edler Nr. 28
Carlo Ant. Testore, Milan c, 1750
Atelier fur Kunst-Geigen, Cellobau and Repartur
Sowie Feinster Kunstler- Bogen anno 19 2019

This cello is a copy of a Testore who was a fine Italian maker in the 18th century. The Testore family of makers made instruments in Milan, Italy from the late 1600’s – 1800. This cello was made in the area of Germany called, Bavaria. The Bavarian district is in southern Germany just west of the Czech Republic and north of Austria. This area is known for its instrument making and its rich wood supply, a must on every luthier’s mind as they set out to begin a lifetime of instrument making.
Our cello is a trade instrument made in 2019 and is fully carved. The woods were selected to match the standards needed to make fine cellos and vintage historic cellos dating back hundreds of years. The instrument has handcrafted details, excellent tonewoods, and excellent musical properties, all carved and cut in today’s standards and with 21st century tools to produce a reasonably priced cello. The two-piece top plate has evenly grained spruce and the ribs and back are made of a deeply flamed maple. The neck and scroll contain strikingly curled wood and are carefully carved. The sound holes are slightly overdone in character, but I believe help aid in the charm and tone of the instrument. The varnish has distinctive shades of dark amber brown on top of a golden ground. The entire cello was carefully made by a German craftsman in the atelier (workshop), not necessarily made by Johann himself.

The sound is beautifully balanced, warm in its tone and powerful in its sound. The instrument has a depth and resonance a player looks for in a well-made cello. This cello will please musicians as they practice and perform. The instrument looks 90-100 years old and will suit an advanced player who is interested in obtaining a very healthy cello in excellent condition with the look of an instrument from the 19th Century.

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