Fine Viola Bow by Johs. O. Paulus, Markneukirchen c. 1950
Stamped: JOHS. O. PAULUS – above the frog, no other markings are on the stick
Otto P. Paulus (the father was a son of a wind instrument maker, and learned his craft of bow making between 1912 and 1914 from F. W. Monning, Markneukirchen). Otto survived WW I and then worked for August Rau 1918 to 1923. This is where he developed his skills as a craftsman. In 1916 he had a son Johannes Otto Paulus. In 1928 the father, Otto Paulus, closed his shop and he became the workshop manager for the A.C. Schuster company, having also his son apprentice with him at the Schuster shop. Johannes Paulus established himself independently in Markneukirchen in 1955. This bow was made while Johannes O Paulus was still working at the Schuster workshop, an earlier bow. This viola bow has the exacting typical Paulus work with a round viola frog. Our viola bow branded Joh. O. Paulus has everything the advancing violist could want in a bow; the octagonal-section pernambuco stick is substantial but has the flexibility to respond to the player's touch, it is fully mounted in sterling silver, and the ebony frog is accented by a mother-of-pearl slide and Parisian eyes. Finishing the bow is a three-piece silver and ebony adjustor with an inset pearl end.
Weight fully haired 70.9 grams.