C. Santos – Handmade Baroque Cello Bow – Brazil, 2020

This handmade baroque cello bow was made by C. Santos, Brazil in 2020. The specie is snakewood. The wood is gorgeous and the bow is of round-section. The frog end of the stick is fluted. The frog and the end screw both match in the specie of the entire bow. If you're looking for something different in sound to play Bach or Mozart with this is it. A beautiful stick with a gram weight about 11.0 grams less than the modern cello bow. This difference in weight creates a different tone off your instrument and keeps the instrument from being loud or full of power. The articulation from the bow is clean and somewhat crisp. A player from the Baroque Music Period would have been performing in a smaller room or parlor not in a grand concert hall.
Weight fully haired 68.9 grams.