French Bass Bow by Ary France – 3/4 size French Model c. 1980, Nice Strong/Firm Bass Bow!

This is a strong French model bass bow was built in the Ary France workshop around 1980 in the town of Mirecourt. The company began in 1974 and is no longer, closing its doors in 2010. The company manufactured violin, viola, cello and bass bows in a semi-industrial process, always using Brazilwood or pernambuco species. It is a strong modern bow, nice and firm that will produce a clear sound on a bass. The stick has some elasticity and stability when you apply pressure to lay into a passage, which I like in a bass bow. We have completely gone over the bow here in our workshop and replaced the silver winding and new leather thumb grip. The stick is balanced well, mounted in nickel silver with the original “ARY FRANCE” brand on the player’s side of the bow. The bow is pernambuco specie and round in section, and the ebony frog is fully lined and has single mother-of-pearl eyes, and a solid nickel silver endscrew completes the bow. The bow is undamaged and in very good condition with the fitting polished and fresh new hair.
Weight fully haired 140.0 grams.