Fantastic Un-Branded Sterling Silver Mounted Viola Bow – SOLD DECEMBER 19, 2023 –


We have a non-branded handmade sterling silver mounted viola bow. Pernambuco specie, octagonal section, and a bone tip. I believe this bow was made in a small shop in Markneukirchen, Germany before WW II. Handling the bow for restoring and rehairing the stick gave me the opportunity to study the excellent workmanship of the bow and wonder why the maker never branded the bow. The frog has much detail. The tolerances and lines are right on. I like how the frog is carved from the lining to the bottom edge of the frog. The line is extra curved and the scoop is definitely something a player will feel. Not a stock generic trade ebony frog blank. It also contains beautiful mother-of-pearl eyes; one eye contains much blue and black while the opposite side contains a beautiful wavy green and brown. The balance is nice and the bow plays like a more expensive viola bow. This German stick is a sleeper, just waiting for a player to fall in love with it.

Weight fully haired 72.0 grams.

SKU: 39910 Category: