Dimbath Workshop Violin Bubenreuth Germany-Wow Sound!

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Label Reads:
Bubenreuth – Germany
Fecit anno 1960 No. 56
We have a beautiful Dimbath workshop violin from the heart of fine violinmaking, Bubenreuth, Germany. The woods used in the instrument stand out for a workshop violin. The Austrian spruce is beautiful and straight grained, and the back plate, neck, and ribs are made from highly flamed Bosnian maple. When first working on the violin I was thinking of this instrument as just another standard nice German violin. Wow, was I wrong. Everything about the violin screams that it is so much more. The lines are a little larger in the bouts and corpus length and the arching is spot on to more modern making. The scroll is beautifully done, many notches up from journeyman work, all hand finished. The varnish is orange/brown on a clear golden ground, all hand drawn with brush. The peg holes have been bushed and fitted with new pegs and the instrument has received our traditional set up. The instrument has some slight natural wear from being played, which is a great sign. This violin plays!
Corpus 360.0 mm., Major Width 207.0 mm., Minor Width 169.5 mm., Rib Height 30.0 tapering to 29.0 mm. at the neck
The violin has a big, beautiful voice. We played 5-8 notes and went Wow!. Yes, the bass is large in its warmth and has a mature tone. This violin is brilliant on the treble side with equal the power. This will make a great violin for an up-and-coming serious player.