Root-Duerer Violin 1900 – Eisleben, Germany

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This violin bears an ornate label:
Wilhelm Duerer fecit
Eisleben, 1900 No. 586
made only for
E.T. Root & Sons, Chicago
Copyright 1899 E.T. Root & Sons
The Duerer violin was made for E.T. Root & Sons Violins, Chicago, IL. The gorgeous highly flamed maple back German violin was imported at the turn of the century. Eisleben has a rich history, located east of Leipzig, and was the home of Martin Luther. The instrument is completed in ebony fittings and is in excellent condition. We have bushed the pegs, cut a new set of ebony pegs, new fingerboard, nut, replaced the lower right corner on the top plate, cut a new post, new bridge, tail-piece, and end button. The tone is full and the power can be controlled. The rich sounding bottom end is amazing. The violin has some guts. The violin also responds well in higher positions and requires little effort to get the treble to sing. The slightly brighter treble sound responds to light bow articulations as well as digging in for power. This violin can put out sound and can be tamed when you need to. This is a great violin for a player looking for sophistication and power.